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Zeitgeist June 2011

by Eric TazelaarPublished: 26 June 2011Updated:

June 26, 2011

Just Who Are the "Sex Offenders"?

These National Center for Juvenile Justice findings clearly show that the vast majority of "sex offenses" against children are committed by kids themselves.



Remember Kids; the Cops are NOT Your Friends!

Preteen's family forever changed by call that led to rape case

Is it really such a surprise when the same cops and prosecutors who destroy the lives of adults are just as willingly to destroy the lives of children?

And just WHEN did it become illegal for kids to have sex with other kids?

I think a lot of us were shocked to find out that kids were being arrested, forced into "therapy", incarcerated and forced to register as sex offenders for the crime of experimenting sexually with their friends.

Why is this being tolerated? Why aren't demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience taking place to protest this disgusting PERVERSION of our legal system?

How is it that adults who have even the slightest physical contact (sometimes not even intentionally sexual) with kids are permanently incarcerated and marginalized but cops, prosecutors and therapists can commit atrocities against children and never be held criminally, or even civilly, accountable? Hell, they don't even lose their jobs!

Yes, I am convinced; there IS evil in this world and much of it is committed by the self-righteous, self-proclaimed "child-savers" whose actual goal is to inflict great pain and suffering upon others. These are a power-hungry, sadistic breed who achieve their orgasms through the personal destruction of human beings, including kids.

So, let's stop being surprised that such evil exists and that our tax dollars sustain it. Let us start by standing up to these monsters who walk amongst us, unimpeded and unrestrained by any sense of humanity or decency or rule of law.



"So far, no evidence suggests that children were harmed in the making of the murals.

Anthony Josef Norris, a muralist who runs an arts nonprofit for children has been charged with possession and downloading of child pornography".

Subsequently: "Some 100 "inappropriate" tiles have been found in murals at Sunset Elementary School and three other unnamed schools in the city, said Police Chief Greg Suhr. "

What is needed, clearly, is a modern-day, sex offender equivalent of the "Malleus Maleficarum", a 15th Century guidebook used to help witch hunters confirm the presence and identity of witches so that they could then be burned at the stake.

Instead, these poor pedo-hunters are left to flail about in their attempt to divine the meaning and significance of individual tiles used in outdoor school mosaics created by a well-known muralist recently arrested for downloading child porn to his computer.

In their vigorous efforts to root out and destroy all bewitched tiles contained within school murals scattered throughout the Bay area, individual tiles are being removed lest they cast their evil spell upon individuals who gaze upon them.

Presumably, possession of some of these tiles will constitute a class 1 felony, much as possession of bibles translated into English were at one time offenses punished by burning at the stake.



Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signs Bill restricting Sex Offenders from Public Libraries

This is a bizarre, must-read more-than-once bill that does more than just bar sex offenders from libraries.

Inexplicably, it also bars sex offenders from "obtaining sexual offender treatment or attending a sexual offender treatment program."

I'm not sure what their line of reasoning is with that restriction but I'm sure that, in their twisted little minds it somehow makes sense.

It is tempting to dismiss this latest injustice as being understandable given that it is coming from a state that once gave us the Scopes Monkey Trial and prevented blacks and whites from intermarrying but, in all honesty, they are probably just keeping up with the other 49 States.

It used to be that the backwardness of the South with its Angry-God fundamentalism created a distinct cultural dividing line within the country, but now the entire nation has fallen under a cloud of ignorance and superstition.

We've all become small-minded provincials who spy on their neighbors and make a great public show about who we will not eat with at the lunch counter.



Proposed law would bar sex offenders from burial in veterans cemeteries

"Lets see...where ELSE can we keep sex offenders from congregating...?"



Why is the government doing so little to end sexual assault in prisons?

The short answer, of course, is that they don't care. They really, really don't.



Los Angeles Attorney Declares Rampant Fraud, Many Abuse Claims Against Catholic Priests are 'Entirely False'

Finally, an acknowledgement of the role of greed in the making of accusations against priests.


When the Government Keeps a 2nd Set of Books

The story of a man who felt the only thing left for him to do was to go out in a ball of flames.


"Ball and his family were casualties in what he called a federal "war on men." He wasn't exaggerating – and he has a lot of company."



June 20, 2011

Things to Watch Our For...
Increasing involvement of U.S. Federal authorities in R.S.O. harassment.

Sex "Offenders" were once the sole concern of state and local authorities in the U.S. All punishment, monitoring or harassment were conducted by state or local law enforcement with the federal government playing a very small role.

This has changed.

100 Law Enforcement Officers involved in SWAT raid on Motel in Suburban Los Angeles

Chance to have names taken off sex register (costing taxpayers £1m every year)

Among many other things, it should be noted that registered sex offenders in the U.K. now have to notify the government when they travel abroad.


Juveniles as sex offenders


After deciding fate of feral hogs, Louisiana Senate approves bill to ban sex offenders from Facebook, other sites 

Arguably less popular than feral hogs in the Bayou State, sex offenders face ten years in prison (when combined with subsequent civil detention, that means a lifetime) if they choose to fully engage with society through the use of, now de-riguer, communications technologies.

Mass punishment of the sort exercised by Louisiana''s benighted Legislature and populist Governor is the order of the day, from America's impoverished swamplands to its "liberal" bastions of sophistication.

The permanent incapacitation of sex offenders, as an amorphous class, is a form of indiscriminate punishment that would be instantly compared to the Jews of Nazi Germany were it to be imposed upon any another group of citizens.


'Shunned' sex offender loses legal battle to keep his baby

The U.K. is actively denying parental rights of fathers once convicted of sex offenses.


State's sex offender laws get tougher


DSM 5 Needs To Reject Hebephilia Now


Dutch prosecutors unable to outlaw Martijn


Details emerge about ‘child pornography’ yearbook photo

School officials "demand" that all students return Yearbooks to Avoid Child Porn Charges.


Family's life unravels with claims dad raped daughter

This is how bizarre and cruel justice in American can get.


Adrian Raine thinks brain scans can identify children who may become killers

This, unfortunately, is the future.


Might concerns about porn prosecutions and gun rights be impacting SCOTUS decision-making in the violent video game case?


Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn

Sigmund Freud theorized that people often have the most hateful and negative attitudes towards things they secretly crave, but feel that they shouldn't have. This study tends to support that view.

Now, might we ask: what does this say about those displaying an intense hatred of boy lovers?


F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds

Richard Nixon would be envious of the powers he would now have as President.


The Whistle-Blowers of 1777


Mom Strangles Daugher To Save Her From Pedophiles

Crazy, though she undoubted is, clearly the zeitgeist of our times which identifies pedophiles as one of the gravest threats facing mankind has infiltrated the troubled mind of this mother and influenced her terrible decision to sacrifice her daughter.

Mental instability is coming to be seen as existing on a continuum, with the very slight craziness of most people at one end and the incoherently raving on the other.

Pedophile hysteria, much like religion, has infiltrated the minds of the population and can be seen to be making nearly everyone at least a little bit 'unhinged'.


Port Orchard boy wears dress, heels to school; gets suspended


School reprimands seven-year-old boys for playing 'army game'


French former minister lashes out at paedophilia rumours 


Shocking new sex scandal erupts in France


Tattooed lesbian posed as teenage boy online to groom two underage girls for sex


What Happens When the General Assembly Passes a Law Without Consulting an “IT Guy” or the Constitution North Carolina’s Regulation of Sex Offenders on the Internet


June 13, 2011

Weighing In On "Weiner Mania"

As of this writing, the Anthony Weiner fiasco sees no letup in media fascination. It seems to have eclipsed all of the more prominent sexual scandals of recent memory: Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Arnold Schwartzenneger, not to mention Senate-pages-loving Mark Foley, "wide stance" Larry Craig and many others. As for more ancient history, the indiscretions of such luminaries as JFK and New York's archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman occurred when media generally avoided exposing the very human foibles of the great and powerful.

The case of Anthony Wiener should however be of particular interest to readers of this site. He is was a very vocal co-sponsor of a House bill to limit Internet use by "sex offenders". Shadenfreude (apt German expression for the joy one gets from another's pain) and gloating over this hypocrite's humiliation can be forgiven given his earlier and gleeful exploitation of the "pedophile" bête noire.

That many people fail to see their personal flaws but project them onto others is sadly too common. When those of prominence and power do it, they cause unforgivable harm and misery and deserve all of the comeupance fate can dish out.


June 12, 2011

‘No age of consent law’: Gay Irish Presidential candidate
David Norris clearly establishes here his courage while relinquishing any possibility of becoming Ireland's next President.

Predictable are the comments pouring in as a reaction to his statements. What is obvious from reading through some of these is that much of the public wants him to be punished, criminally if possible, for voicing his heartfelt, if socially radioactive, opinions.

David Norris has failed the moral litmus test of our times, engineered as it was, by the bizarre alliance of religious fascists in league with angry female supremacists some thirty years ago but which has long since become mainstream. His renunciation of all that is pure and divine in the eyes of the mob which we euphemistically refer to as "society" will cost him dearly. He is courageous, indeed!


Fear Tactics Used To Bring States Into Adam Walsh Act Compliance

"Virginia, Maryland and the District are struggling to comply with a five-year-old federal mandate to create a national sex offender registry and critics say their failure could cause them to attract violent sex criminals to the region."

Because the threat of losing 10% of their federal funding has not been sufficient incentive to compel the vast majority of states to enact the draconian A.W.A., its proponents are now using the specter of hordes of dangerous sex offenders relocating to their (already inhospitable) states from the even-more horrendous A.W.A. states.

Ratcheting up hysteria and fear is all these people know how to do. Tragically, they have been quite successful so far.


Ex-leader of paedophile pressure group becomes first person in UK to be convicted of making drawings of children

Leading psychiatrists critique proposed sexual disorders

Two Women Ticketed For Eating Doughnuts In A Brooklyn Playground
A particularly disturbing trend in our cities to enforce the segregation of children from unrelated adults in community spaces. So much for creating an maintaining "communities".

Double-Bunking: Another Reason Why They're Really Prisons

School-Webcam Spy Scandal Resurfaces
What government school administrators can do without fear of legal consequence, others would be sentenced to prison for.

Young Prisoners Faced 24-Hour Confinement, Classes in Closets

Justices: Kids' sex was not a crime

A Shining Light (from a Trailer in Oklahoma)

Cameron-backed report (U.K.) to protect children from commercialisation
Proposals include ban on sale of 'adult' pre-teen clothes, and requiring 'lads mags' to sell in brown covers

Legislature unanimously passes social networking ban for sex offenders

Disabled Antrim pensioners terrorised in their home
The sex offender witch hunt is useful for getting rid of neighbors you don't like, annoying business competitors or generating income in the form of blackmail. Just like in the old days of the 17th century! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-13726952

Criminalizing free speech
“No man survives when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, And those who cry ‘appease, appease’ Are hanged by those they tried to please.” Hiram Mann

“A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.” Adlai Stevenson

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” Patrick Henry


Pornography sentence unconstitutionally cruel, judge rules
Consider that child pornography was actually LEGAL at one time. Later, it became illegal to PRODUCE. And then it became illegal to DISTRIBUTE. And then it became illegal to SHOW to someone else. And then it became illegal to POSSESS if produced AFTER a certain date. And then all possession became illegal. And then the penalties became stiffer. Then stiffer, still. And stiffer again and again.

Consider also that child pornography now includes DRAWINGS and CARTOONS which at no time involved the use of actual children, something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

And these laws can DESTROY the rest of your LIFE, even if there are no victims.

This is the essence of incremental social engineering.



June 5, 2011

I.C.E.: An Agency Transformed

The United States, having adopted a "continuous-war" posture through the pretext of 9/11 and national security, has systematically eviscerated the civil liberties of its citizens.

This must now be manifestly apparent to all but the most obtuse observers of the cultural landscape, as is the realization that the election of Barack Obama, a Constitutional law scholar and professor, has brought no relief from the relentless attack upon the Constitution itself.

Indeed, he has demonstrated his willingness to accelerate its destruction, despite his stated pledge to restore Constitutional protections as a centerpiece of his campaign.

In the aftermath of 9/11, President George Bush reorganized many of the nation's security services which, having failed to identify and prevent the occurence of the largest attack on U.S. soil in the first place (and despite ample intelligence available to them to do so), would now be under one "umbrella" as a cabinet-level super agency, the idea being that they would now "talk" with one another and share information in such a way as to prevent future attacks.

The resultant super-agency created was the Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S.).

While everyone has by now heard of the TSA, created from scratch within the D.H.S. to police the nation's airports (and apparently now extending its reach into train and bus stations), few seem to be aware of the dramatic expansion of I.C.E., the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, both in budget and in scope of its mission, since its integration into D.H.S.

Given the very real threats posed by fundamentalist Islamic terrorism which were the basis for the explosion in its size and budget, it is surprising to learn that an enormous share of I.C.E.'s current efforts are now focused, not on terrorism, but on the investigation of child pornography and sex tourism.

I.C.E. has at least 69 offices in 49 countries, including one located in Cambodia specifically for investigating Americans it suspects of sex tourism.

Following are some recent stories about I.C.E. We will be following it closely in the future:

I.C.E. Swat Teams Executing Child Porn Warrant Terrorize Innocent Household


ICE realm includes child porn


Feds wrongly links 84,000 seized sites to child porn


CNN's Richard Quest talks to the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement about curbing child exploitation abroad.

Four child-porn images allegedly found on ICE chief's home computer


Top ICE Agent & Child Porn: Blackmail Bait for Terrorists



David Norris campaign for President of Ireland derailed by past comments regarding pederasty in ancient Greece

Anyone deviating from the socially enforced blanket condemnation of sex between adults and kids is immediately and forever punished.

Even some of David Norris's closest supporters condemn as "naive" his thoughtfully considered defense of man/boy relations in ancient Greece which he made at a dinner party more than a decade ago.

Now, more than ever, we are all subject to standard "moral litmus tests" that allow for no deviation in thinking from sacrosanct social opinions, regardless of knowledge or experience which inform our views.

David Norris had hoped to be the President of the Republic of Ireland and, apparently, was considered a serious contender. Whatever qualities he may possess as a possible leader of that country have now shrunk into insignificance given his private, but socially forbidden, opinions.

To express any hesitancy in joining the still-raging paedo witchhunt is a certain path towards career-death (or worse). As if we needed reminding...


Virginia finds itself involuntarily hospitalizing sex offenders at the same time that it turns away the seriously mentally ill. Study, and mental health administrators, criticize involuntary committment of sexually "violent"predators as unsustainable and ineffective.


Circumcision Ban to Appear on San Francisco Ballot

I am often appalled by San Francisco's Board of Supervisors attemps to overreach in areas such as banning paper bags from supermarkets, prohibiting "big box" stores (give me my Home Depot!), etc. But, in this case, I applaud them for taking a principled stand against a particularly odious, if culturally acceptable, form of child abuse.

It must be noted that anyone fondling a boy's penis in our society is treated with unparalleled harshness and will probably never again enjoy a modicum of freedom while those who mutilate that same boy's penis using religious or "sanitary" reasons to justify it do so with absolute impunity. 

Circumcision may or may not confer health benefits to the male approaching adulthood; this is a subject of legitimate debate.

But it clearly does nothing to protect a young child, let alone a newborn. As such, the only ethical position that respects the rights of the child is to allow him the choice to elect circumcision as a conscious choice at a time of his choosing.

As for religion, he should be able to decide what, if any, belief he will adopt in that realm when he damned well feels like doing so. We would never consider labeling a child as a "Democrat" or a "Republican" simply because his parents are so unimaginative as to belong to one of those parties. We should come to see religion as a similarly inappropriate label to be affixed to a child simply by virtue of his parent's beliefs.


Expired School Cafeteria Food for Prisoners

Lucky bastards! In state "hospitals" for sexually "violentpredators, they get food that was never fit for human consumption in the first place!


Illionis Sex offender board can’t manage sex offenders even while Leg. passes even more restrictive bills. Also, House fails to pass reform to limit penalties to teens


Illinois: bill would require sex offenders to register twice if employed by higher education


That 'durn noose just ain't tight enough yet! Bill to tighten Ala. sex offender registration heads to Bentley


CA Sex offenders would disclose their Web addresses under proposed legislation


New U.S. Bill Requires ISPs to Keep 18-months Records


(L.A.) Senate committee approves bill banning some sex offenders from social networking sites


What "Treatment" Looks Like for Kids Accused Of Sexual Abuse

An extremely creepy "therapy" program in Phoenix Arizona for kids accused of child sexual abuse. The same discredited voodoo pseudo-science that is widely reviled by legitimate mental health professionals as it is used on adults is being used on kids, many of whom are as young as ten. These "treatments" include:

-being forced to inhale ammonia fumes as "aversion therapy" while viewing "deviant" pornography

-having the circumferences of their penises measured to see what arouses them sexually and to ensure that they don't have "inappropriate" responses.

-group degradation sessions in which the "therapists" attempt to destroy the child's sense of self so that it might be later recreated in the image their tormentors would prefer them to have. If this doesn't outrage you, I can't imagine what could.


*Note: Dear Reader, after looking at this story again I realized that the date of the original story in the Arizona Republic was dated July 1992, nearly twenty years ago. I have no idea if the conditions under which child offenders are being treated in Phoenix Arizona are now better or worse than they were in 1992. I suspect that the authorities have become more sophisticated in covering their asses but remain just as indifferent to the emotional well-being of kids.



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